Data platform

Consistent measurement and learning are key to the growth of Integrated Youth Services (IYS) in Canada. Combining our knowledge helps us answer important questions about young people’s experiences and service needs. More knowledge can lead to better outcomes.

Creating a data platform for Integrated Youth Services

To really know what young people need, we must have good, reliable data.

Thanks to funding from Health Canada, we're starting to build a Canada-wide digital data platform for Integrated Youth Services (IYS). Having a secure platform where IYS can share data and knowledge will help us learn more across the system and improve services and outcomes.

Two well-established IYS networks in Canada — Foundry in British Columbia and Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario — will first test this platform.

They'll explore how to use this data to make services better for young people.

Benefits of the youth data platform

The answers to important questions can be found in the experiences of young people. The more we know, the better our services can be.

This means IYS initiatives can get the information they need to create new and better services.

Sharing data and knowledge across IYS helps us spot gaps in our practices and outcomes. We can learn from one another about how to solve challenges, like responding quickly and effectively to new youth mental health or substance use concerns. In IYS we are committed to working together with youth and families to learn together and to use data and knowledge to make services work better, especially for equity-denied groups.

This platform is a big step in building a Canada-wide IYS Learning Health System. It's going to help IYS grow faster across Canada and will lead to better outcomes for young people.

Learn more about the data platform