IYS Providers

Contact IYS providers in your region to learn about services near you.

Listed in alphabetical order.

Quebec Nancy Zhao Quebec Nancy Zhao

Aire ouverte

Aire ouverte is a place for young people aged 12 to 25 where a range of health and wellness services are offered under the same roof.

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Saskatchewan Nancy Zhao Saskatchewan Nancy Zhao


Spanning across Saskatchewan, HOMEBASE is transforming youth service integration — uniting communities 'For Youth, By Youth', empowering a diverse mosaic of voices.

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Manitoba Nancy Zhao Manitoba Nancy Zhao


Huddle is a safe space for youth ages 12 to 29, offering free, trauma-informed and culturally safe health services in a youth-friendly atmosphere.

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Nova Scotia Nancy Zhao Nova Scotia Nancy Zhao

IWK Health

Services in Nova Scotia that are supportive, respectful, and culturally safe — all youth and families will feel welcome, safe, and supported.

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Alberta Nancy Zhao Alberta Nancy Zhao


Kickstand is helping young people in Alberta to find support in the easiest way possible, by providing a variety of services and resources in a single location, as well as online.

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