Research in IYS

As IYS expands across Canada, research will play an important role. New research projects will accelerate the growth of IYS networks across Canada with the ultimate goal of improving services and outcomes for young people.

How IYS uses research and learnings to improve services

IYS works like a Learning Health System (LHS). This means we use data, evidence and knowledge to keep making our services better. Each as its own LHS, IYS centres/ hubs are focused on giving high-quality services and making positive changes based on what we learn and know. This process also helps us create new evidence as well. 

IYS research can take many forms. It involves collaborating with young people, their families, service providers, other community members, and researchers. Some IYS initiatives in Canada are just getting started with their research activities, while others have well-developed and established activities.

Exploring IYS research across Canada

This webpage does not cover all the IYS research going on in Canada. We are excited to add more content to show and celebrate the amazing work of all partners, collaborators, and communities leading IYS research.

Here is some exciting IYS research that teams are leading across Canada.

Youth Wellness Hubs of Ontario (YWHO)

YWHO research prioritizes equity and engagement as they work to make sure young people can access high quality services.

Examples of YWHO research include using different methods (like Implementation Science, Indigenous methodologies and Black-centred and antiracism approaches) to create standards of integrated service delivery and measurement-based care.

YWHO also seeks to better understand the primary and sexual health care needs of youth, the gaps in gender-affirming care and youth-driven solutions to address climate distress and related mental health challenges.


Research at Foundry brings together researchers, community members, young people, families/caregivers, and more who share the goal of making a positive change in the lives of young people, families/caregivers and communities by centering their voices in research.

To learn more about research happening across the Foundry network, including current and completed studies, you can visit the Foundry Research Webpage.