Creating Spaces for Shared Learning and Connection
The successes, challenges and collaborations of FIYSN, found in this report, represent an unprecedented group effort, with meaningful contributions from every FIYSN member and their team.
Members of the Federation of Integrated Youth Services Networks (FIYSN) are all working towards the same goal—a future where every young person in Canada has easy access to the support they need.
Stronger together, existing and emerging IYS networks have come together to create a community where members can learn from and lean on each other.
Over the years, FIYSN has found multiple ways of supporting knowledge sharing and collaboration through:
Creating groups on specific topics
Helping members connect based on their specific needs
Planning online and in-person meetings
Creating webinars, videos and resources together
To learn more, please read the document. Share widely!
Production of this document is made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.