Integrated Youth Services Video Series


With thanks to the Bell-Graham Boeckh Foundation Partnership, Skyline, and RBC Future Launch, Integrated Youth Services (IYS) networks from across Canada had the opportunity to collaborate on a video series about how IYS is creating real change in youth mental health care by providing youth-friendly, low-barrier supports to young people when and where youth need them.

Watch these videos to learn more about the Integrated Youth Services movement, which is rapidly expanding across the country and is adapted to the unique needs of individual provinces/territories and communities.

What is IYS

Integrated Youth Services (IYS) hubs are creating real change in youth mental health care by offering free, centralized and youth-friendly services when and where youth need them.


By Youth For Youth

Young people are involved every step of the way, from the design of the hubs, to which services are offered. Learn more about how Integrated Youth Services are giving young people a voice in their own care.


Working Together

The Integrated Youth Services movement is rapidly expanding across the country and is adapted to the unique needs of individual provinces/territories and communities. Learn how IYS networks around the country are working together to ensure youth all across Canada can get the care they need.


10 Principles for Improving Integrated Care for Youth


Creating Spaces for Shared Learning and Connection