Further Educating The Educated

Our project's vision was to bring IYS knowledge to high school teachers and students/youth, with the additional goal of reducing mental health stigma.

Additionally, this cohort wanted to tackle IYS services at an institutional/systemic level. Our cohort achieved this vision by making a teacher's guide on implementing mental health education into their high school curriculum and creating student pamphlets to foster education on particular IYS topics — mental health, substance use, and sexual health. Furthermore, a QR code was created by the cohort host with an original website, giving students further IYS resources. In the first phase of our project, we decided on a high school & set up a meeting with their counsellors. In the second phase of our project, we distributed questionnaires to the students to collect data so our cohort could adapt content to the student pamphlets and teacher package according to the student's wants (mental health, sexual health, substance use). Then, in the third phase of our project, our cohort created the pamphlets and teacher's package, hired a graphic designer, printed, folded, and delivered the contents to the high school. 

Project Members

Kiera, Sydney, Donna, & Lian


It's NOT A Choice