It's NOT A Choice

Since March 2021, we have been working on a project with the theme of “Simplifying Mental Health Education.”

Have you ever struggled to find ways to support those around you who live with mental illness?

Our Infographic is an aid for you, and everyone else in your situation, to give you tools to adjust your language and actions to better support people in your life who struggle with a mental illness. A key issue in treatment of those with mental illness is inconsistencies in personal bias. In your role of being someone who cares for a vast range of people, it’s important to have reminders to leave your bias (around mental illness, substance use, etc.) at the door before interacting with people who are directly impacted by biased language. 

We hope you review our Infographic and learn a new way to speak of mental illness or substance use. For example, where we might supportively tell someone with a physical injury to “get well soon,” a common response to mental illness is “get over it!”

This truly is a tool for everyone. Though this letter is addressed to 4 primary groups, we believe that anyone should be able to view our infographic for easy bias-adjustment and support tools. For easy visibility and understanding, we recommend this Infographic is placed in the following areas.

  • In healthcare settings: Front desks, bathrooms, bulletin boards, practitioners offices

  • In school settings: Secretary’s desk, counseling spaces, bulletin boards, mailing lists, staff meeting spaces, changerooms, classrooms

  • In personal settings: coffee shop bulletin boards, libraries, office spaces, recreation centres

Project Members

Chloe, Harjot, Neel, Kelly-Lynn, Trinity, & Zara


Are We Losing Human Connection?


Further Educating The Educated