Forming Frameworks

Our initial vision included having a directory full of wellness resources from all areas of Turtle Island. Forming Frameworks is intended to be a template that can allow community members to have access to a directory of community resources. Ideally, the template would be used to provide information on a variety of resources, and create that directory we originally envisioned. 

The purpose of the Forming Frameworks resource template is to simplify the daunting task of reaching out for support. It’s intended to assist in finding the necessary information about accessibility and requirements of various community resources or support. The template serves as a blank slate that is designed to provide information on the resource in an accessible way. We mention community resources as we believe mental wellness is simultaneous to community care - resources would be vast and not just limited to clinical resources. 

The Forming Frameworks Usage Guide was created to provide clarity on terms and why information about an aspect was being asked. The guide was designed to go alongside with the template, and provides an explanation to the user of what to expect with the template. It also explains that the template can be used by anyone; it can be utilized by one person seeking out resources, an organization providing information on the services they provide, or by organizations that serve the public. 


Shania, Ask, Arwa, Pascale, Betty, & Vesper


Venerated Voices


The MentorInMe